Finding Life in Work

An Interview with Marc Rainsford

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What you may not remember often enough, is that everybody comes from somewhere. Every great company had to “start” and it’s usually not that pretty of a picture at first. Some might even say it’s a proverbial “Shit-show” for the first months and years of any new venture. So it’s only appropriate to tell on ourselves a little bit here.

Kendrick and Marc met at the dump. 

You got that right, they met at the tail-end of a dump truck load of trash on a hot day in the weigh-in line at a dumping ground. And that was enough. A few weeks later, Kendrick hired Marc as a subcontractor carpenter on some work for an LL Bean receiving warehouse. Marc had his own business, but at the time it was running him into the ground, along with his family. “We just weren’t doing very well at that time, but then Kendrick offered me a job I said, ‘Well, sure, why not!”It turned out that this was the beginning of a pretty dramatic shift in everyone’s life. Marc was Optimum’s first full-time, long-term hire, and he was eager to jump in. With the load of self-employment lifted, Marc really began to thrive. His wife and kids saw a difference in him, he was less stressed, more fulfilled. “And that was years ago when we were scribbling our hours on pieces of paper and handing them in!”

But a seed had been planted. And a relationship was shooting down some very deep roots. They tend to do that when the soil has enough “organic material” in it, and this was one of those really special friendships in formation. It turns out that “shit-show” can be the right kind of compost for relationship building. 


What’s changed?

“Well I’m heavier than I used to be because I’m not doing all the labor work I used to do,” Marc jabs at himself, “But in all seriousness, what has happened is that Kendrick’s promise has come true.”

In the first weeks, Kendrick looked Marc dead in the eye and told him that he had every intention of growing Optimum into a substantial commercial and residential construction company, but he would do it in a way that everyone wanted to be a part of it. 

“Everything he told me he wanted this company to be has happened. We’ve gotten more organized, we are doing more complex jobs, and the team of people is a group you can really rely upon.”

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Marc gets animated about certain things, and the team is one of them. “I never go home worrying about anything, and when I get home, I turn off the truck and I’m home. If I have a problem at work to solve, it’s never work politics or problems with the team. It’s only ever about the job itself, and I know everyone is in it together and has my back.” There’s not really a hierarchy either. Kendrick checks in on everyone. When Marcus is on Marc’s site, it’s “Marc’s the boss! I’m just here to help him out!” The whole attitude is upbeat and positive. “They really care about this, if anyone’s not a fit, they weed them out quickly, but if someone is a good fit, they are loyal to them. They take you as you are, for your strengths and your weaknesses both.”  If there’s a struggle, no one at Optimum goes it alone.

“So how have you changed?” I asked Marc again. His reply, “I’m Happy!”

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Happiness is a job well “done”

“When I first started here, I was not a happy man. When you have so much getting thrown in your face in life, you get bogged down. But now I feel better about myself. Things just keep improving! I’m almost done sending one kid through college, before I didn’t have a plan for that.”

Sometimes Marc’s sons come work with him for the summer. It’s like he owns his own company, showing them the ropes, letting them absorb a few friendly jabs at Monday morning meetings. But it’s even better because they see their dad doing what he loves, showing them a glimpse of a man who loves his work and operates in a strong relational bond with his employer. “Kendrick and Ryan are my friends, I never have to be anyone other than who I really am with them.”


The happiness doesn’t stop there, it carries through into the work. We always say that when you are doing work like it’s for your friend, you end up doing a better job. This is what makes Marc light up! His happiest moment of any job is when the last item on a punch list is completed, the final tool gets loaded into his truck and he sees a finished project in the rearview mirror. He says he breathes the biggest sigh of satisfaction, so proud to have made something new, with people he enjoys, for clients he enjoys. “There’s nothing better! You just feel yourself relax, you really accomplished something!” This thrill is only matched by the next day when he sets foot onto an entirely new job. All the potential to learn, to be challenged, to make something new, it’s truly invigorating. 

“It’s going to be so beautiful. It’s exciting to me. I love working with the presidents and owners of these companies, they are so down to earth. Our clients are generally very nice people.” And that’s not saying they’re only nice when everything is going well, Marc says that when the problems start popping up (that’s what a General Contractor does, finds problems and solves them) people actually stay nice. “This was the vision for Optimum and it has really worked.” A relational environment breeds better relationships. 


Why Stay?

What makes Optimum so “sticky” to Marc? What keeps him engaged? Come on, tell us what gets you up and keeps you coming back!?

“I always know they have my back. My bosses aren’t acting like bosses, I’m never looked down on.”

So when Marc heads home after a very full day, he pulls his truck into the driveway and takes a big breath. Satisfied. Every day he’s challenged, each job gets a little more complex, and especially on the day a project has ended, he’s satisfied and able to leave everything work-related in the truck and head inside to live his life with his family. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Is our life defined by the number of projects we complete on time, or by the relationships we’re focused on investing in? Marc says he’s a happier, better person with the opportunity to grow even more as he chooses, in line with his skills and abilities. His family is flourishing because of the support he has from the team that surrounds him at work. He even bought a cabin cruiser this summer, a lifelong dream achieved. 

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When work brings us all more life, that is what we mean by shared success.

BlogBen Rodgers